Thursday 17 July 2008


Snapshot of Ann and son in law Lasse seen through the kitchen door last weekend. Been busy making a ramrod today for one of a pair of pistols, circa 1790. It's easy when one is missing from a pair because one is still there to copy. Also doing various odd jobs. This evening having a meal with a men's group (round tablers I think) then giving a talk afterwards on The History of Guns. Quite looking forward to it, although it's about a year since I've given one. Ann's going to choir practice, and I've had to make grovelling apologies to choirmistress for having double booked. Still, I think it's the first practice I've had to skip this year. Ann's off across to see Gran tomorrow, but I think I really must stay at home and get on with some work - we'll see. More later perhaps. Depends on what time I get in.
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