Wednesday 24 September 2008


Got up early this morning - read O.T. lesson at early service (proverbs). Stayed on to breakfast - tea, bread and honey. Barbara was telling me of problem she is having with younger members of scrabble club - offered to put off trip to London till Saturday evening, so that I could help if problem continues, but she said she's not worried about this coming Saturday, as male church members would be present getting ready for harvest festival, and she knows I will be back at scrabble on the following Saturday. I'm not too worried - youngsters under discussion usually amenable to a low growl or a sharp bark, I've always found.
Been busy all day getting things ready for Long Melford. Checked stock and found a job I'd not anticipated :- had to case harden the sear of a flintlock blunderbuss to put it into reliable working order - still the job went well and it's now a healthy gun again. Ann is still in London - child minding - enjoying it I think. I'm keeping busy and have been getting through a surprising amount of work. Must knock off now - I'm nodding off over the keyboard. Goodnight all.

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