Saturday 28 November 2009

Saturday 1.


Been a busy day today. A bazaar was held in church. All the ladies have been cooking and baking, partly for the cake stall, and partly for the lunches that were served in the church. Ann baked six small Christmas cakes (all of which sold) and made three large dishes of chicken and broccoli bake, and one of a tuna bake (all of which, again, sold). My job was to get Ann and the Christmas cakes to the Church by ten a.m., and then to return home and get the dishes of savoury bake into the oven, cook them, and get them to the Church by noon (piping hot). I then whizzed round the book stall, bought three books, tried one or two of the other stalls, had a bite of lunch, then gathered round the piano, where we (the choir) sang carols. At the second carol, our choirmaster was approached by two young mothers, who explained that their daughters had been learning carols at school and wished to sing them with the choir. The daughters -both about six- then stood on the stage in front of the choir and sang all the rest of the carols with us, and - naturally- were the hit of the day!!!! Hopefully it may mean we eventually recruit two more young choir members - which we need. Back in a minute with more photoes. Oh, the one above shows part of the churchyard with brambles sporting not only late blackberries, but some very brave flowers. I do admire optimism (however misplaced!
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