Friday 17 June 2011


Bunch of larkspur and cornflowers I bought Ann earlier in the week - catching yesterday evening's light  in the drawing room.

Got up early this morning - ostensibly to make us a cup of tea, but as Ann was sound asleep when I came down it seemed a pity to wake her. Been pottering about my workshop/study for a while- looking through old blogs. It's now nearly quarter to eight, so I think it's now a respectable time to be presented with an early morning cuppa, so will go upstairs and make one (or rather two). I wish any readers a very Good Day.
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Sir Bruin said...

The joy of the day to you too, sir.

Rog said...

You CAN'T beat a cornflower!

Lori Skoog said...

A great photo Mike. I'm sure Ann appreciated you letting her sleep a little longer! It's so light out here in the mornings I keep waking up earlier and earlier.

Liz said...

What a pretty vase of flowers.

Pat said...

A lovely bouquet.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Sir B.
Quite agree, Rog.
And thank you Ladies (Lori, Liz and Pat).
Warm regards, Mike and Ann.