Wednesday 14 August 2013

Wednesday 2.

Drove over to Kersey this lunchtime and met up with Ruth and Tony. Ann and Ruth did their nursing training together between 1959 and 1963, at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital. Ruth and Tony were 'courting' at that time, as were we.   They live in Northumberland. Ruth 'phoned a week or so ago and told Ann they were coming down to stay for a week in Southwold, where their daughter lives. They wanted to meet up for a pub lunch, so it seemed a good chance to recheck the Kersey Bell. We lunched there about ten days ago (see blog entry for 5th August). The teething problems I recorded then seem to have been sorted out, and we had a very pleasant lunch in the pub garden (as  recorded in above photo). After lunch we again had a quick look round Kersey  (see below two photos), then drove back here and and sat and chatted awhile over coffee, and enjoyed the sunshine in our garden. It was good to pick up the threads. Ruth has changed very little since their nursing training days. I don't think we blokes wear so well as you ladies.

Good night All.

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